Sunday, 3 February 2019

YEAR 2 (2019) UNIT 5 : STRAY & SAY (YES, I DO / NO, I DON'T )

Pre Lesson
- Students recall the previous lesson.
-Students ask questions to the teacher.
-Teacher answers "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't."
- One student is asked to write "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't." on the white/blackboard.

Lesson Development.
- Students give examples of questions that they have learned and teacher write them down on the  white/blackboard. For eg: 
Do you play football at the weekend? , 
Do you read books at the weekend?
- Students take turn to ask and answer the questions written on the board with their partner.
The answer should be "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't."

Post Lesson.
- Teacher distributes a worksheet.
-Students walk around the class and ask their friends based on the questions stated in the worksheet.
- Students need to put tick (√) if their friends say “Yes, I do.” and put cross (X) if they say “ No, I don’t.”



(To download: Click on the image, right click & save image as)
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