Thursday 20 June 2019

YEAR 2 (2019) UNIT 8 : CAN YOU __________ ? - LISTENING & SPEAKING

Pre Lesson
- Several students are asked to answer the questions from teacher.  (Example of questions: Can you skip? Can you swim?)
- Students answer "Yes, I can", "No, I can't", "Yes" or "No".

Lesson Development
- Students are provided with worksheet.
-Students go around the class asking what their friends can they do the activities/actions stated in the worksheet.
-Students write the name of their friends in the correct column.

Post Lesson
-Students tell the data that they have to a friend. 
For eg: Kairina can skip. Qalesya can stand on one leg.


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2.Take your pictures/videos with I love and the materials taken from this blog in your classroom, English room, etc
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